Hello! Welcome!

Let me introduce myself; I am Chasity. I am a mom to three children who I currently homeschool. We didn’t start out as homeschoolers, we’re what’s been dubbed as “covid homeschoolers”. Yep, when our schools shut down amidst the pandemic and we were “forced” to do school at home my oldest was in third grade and my two youngest hadn’t started school yet. So, the following year we notified our area of our intentions to homeschool and purchased curriculum and now here we are.

We (my family) are working on building a homestead from the ground up. We, I mainly, am looking into raising purebred heritage chickens, live off the land, and grow a garden. We aren’t off grid kinda people but I do hope to become more self-sufficient as we go.

Our history isn’t a show glory one. My husband and I met when we were still in school. We’ve been together since I was in the tenth grade. It’s been a lot of good and a lot of bad. We moved into a rental fixer-upper house that was vacant and unbeknownst to us squirrels had moved in prior to us. The deal was a rent to own as banks didn’t want to loan in its current 80 year old condition. Being a young couple and barely making enough money for an apartment we agreed to rent the house at a reduced price as we fixed it up enough to buy. We lived there for over a decade, renting it for several years before we finally saved enough to buy it. That sweet little house was where all my babies came home to after their birth, where my childhood horse passed away, and where I tragically lost one of our four pregnancies.

We have struggled and gained so much over the 20 years we’ve been together. I am thankful for this life, no matter how quaint, loud, big or anything in between it is. I hope to share here to inspire others to turn mundane into something more, to love your life, and to embrace my own.